Ruler Protocol Launch Announcement

Ruler Protocol
3 min readMar 3, 2021


Greetings Ruler Protocol Community,

We are happy to announce that we have officially launched Ruler Protocol on the Ethereum mainnet! We appreciate your patience and support throughout the development of the protocol.

  • The Ruler app is launched on Mainnet. You can claim your RULER airdrop, LP, borrow, lend, etc, on the app now.
  • Mining will be live at 3pm EST today (in ~1 hour).
  • Coverage for Ruler protocol and credit default swaps for Ruler pairs will be added in the next 24 hours.

Launch Pairs

The following 3 pairs will be launched. We will launch new pairs as frequently as necessary.

Read here to understand to learn more about Ruler Pairs.

Liquidity Mining

On Ruler Protocol

  • Ruler Pairs: as shown in the above table, there will be RULER rewards each week for each pair until expiry. Rewards range from ~202 to ~2019 RULER/week.
  • Pool 2: there will be ~1667 RULER/week on RULER-wETH Pool 2 until May 26th, at which point the rewards will be adjusted.

On Cover Protocol

  • Ruler Protocol coverage: ~3000 RULER will be added as incentives on Cover Protocol for Ruler Protocol Smart Contract coverage liquidity pools in the first 3 months after launch
  • Credit Default Swaps for Ruler Pairs: ~15000 RULER will be added as incentives on CDS liquidity pools in the first 3 months after launch

Contributor Mining

A total of 140,000 RULER tokens will be used to reward contributors to Ruler Protocol. Contributors include but not limited to: developers, artists, translators and whoever can improve Ruler Protocol with the work they contribute. This program has started already and will continue until further notice. You can fill out the grant form here to qualify if you plan to or already have contributed.

Bug Bounty

Ruler Protocol has formed a partnership with Immunefi to help ensure the safety of our protocol. Ruler Protocol is offering up to $1,000,000 in RULER tokens for critical bugs found, with its main bug focus being on loss of users funds.


A total of 10,000 RULER tokens is set aside for airdrops. There will be multiple airdrops. The first airdrop, consisting of ~3,200 tokens, is claimable as of launch by those who have participated in Cover Protocol, Yearn Ecosystem, Inverse governance (via, and Ruler testing programs. From launch you will have 20 days to claim your token(s). After 20 days you will no longer be able to claim your airdrop and it will be sent to the treasury.

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